Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Best Friends or Girlfriends? (Chapter 2)


Setelah ibuku menelpon,kali ini aku yang akan menelpon temanku,Lily.Ia teman satu club music,Ia temanku yang pintar,cantik dan pandai bergaul.
Aku pun segera mengambil ponselku yang imut dengan berbagai aksesoris yang tergantung,menekan nomor dan menyiapkan keripik kentang untuk bersiap mengobrol panjang lebar dengannya.Begitu diangkat,aku segera merebahkan diri disova kecilku yang warna biru dengan hiasan Strawberry,dan mengambil boneka sapi yang diberikan Mike tahun lalu.
“Hey Li-Bee… kau sedang apa…? Kau tau dirumah ku tidak ada siapa-siapa… dan ini sangat membosankan…”ucapku memulai percakapan
“Oh ya…? Kalau bosan,kenapa tidak menelponku tadi siang…?”
“Aku membereskan kamarku yang baru saja dilanda angin topan maha dasyat dan membantu mengerjakan PR Mike…”jelasku sambil memasukan keripik kentang ke dalam mulutku
“Mike… tadi ke rumahmu…?”
“Hm… dia masuk lewat jendela kamarku,karena ayahku tidak ingin aku menerima tamu saat beliau tidak dirumah…”
“Astaga… Mike berubah menjadi maling sesaat…”Komentarnya,dan aku mendengarnya tertawa kecil “Ngomong-ngomong Kau tau ada liputan tentang Gerard Way sekarang…?”
Aku tersedak dan berlari menuju dapur untuk mengambil gelas dan air untuk menghilangkan keripik kentang yang menyangkut di antara kerongkongan dan tenggorokanku.
“HAH… DIMANA…?!”teriak ku setelah meminum air
Setelah Lily menyebutkan chanelnya,aku langsung berlari menuju ruang keluarga,menyambar remote dan memindahkan itu ke saluran yang disebutkan oleh Lily.
“Astaga kau lihat itu…! Gerard Way tersenyum…!!! Li-Bee bagaimana aku berterima kasih padamu…”
Aku menduga Lily sedang berpikir dan yang terlintas di benakku bagaimana kalau ia meminta aku untuk mentraktir seluruh siswa di sekolah,atau ia meminta seluruh uang saku selama enam bulan atau…
“Perkenalkan aku dengan Mike…”Ucapnya
“Pardon me…?”ucapannya membuyarkan pikiranku yang mulai kemana-mana
“Iya… perkenalkan aku dengan Mike…”Ucapnya sekali lagi
“Michael Anderson maksudmu…?”
“Why…?”Aku menanyakan pertanyaan bodoh,dan aku tidak mendengar jawaban langsung dari Lily.Sepertinya aku tau jawabannya.Ucapku dalam hati “Let me guess it…”
“Okay…”Jawabnya yang menurutku dalam keadaan gugup
“You like Him,don’t you…”Jawab ku asal-asalan
Aku tidak mendengar bantahan darinya.Atau itu memang benar? Lily menyukai Mike yang (memang) terkenal di sekolah.
Jangan salah Loh.Mike itu sangat terkenal di sekolah.Ia pemain Tenis yang menjadi juara 2 tingkat nasional.Mulai dari situ Mike menjadi anak popular di sekolah.Terutama di kalangan anak perempuan.Hampir setiap hari ada yang menaruh surat cinta di lokernya.
“Li-Bee,diam itu berarti ‘ya’ “Ucapku
“Kau tidak Khawatir? Dia kan popular…”
“Tidak,Kau sendiri…?”
“Sejak awal,aku memang bersahabat dengannya…”
“Kau menyukai Mike?”
“Aku…?!!” Ucapku lalu tertawa keras “Aku sayang padanya”
“Seperti apa?”
“Seperti kalau kau menyakiti hati Mike,aku akan memukulmu…”Jawabku cuek
“Serius… aku akan mengizinkan mu mengenali Mike lebih dekat…”


Sibuk.Sejak setengah jam lalu aku mencoba menelpon Kazune dan ponsel gadis itu tetap sibuk.Sesekali aku melirik ke jendela kamarnya yang tepat di sebrang jendela kamarku.Saat aku melihat ke jendela kamarnya,kebetulan ia melihat ke arahku sambil menaruh ponsel di telinganya.Aku melambaikan tanganku dan ia pun membalasnya.
“Mikey…!”Panggilnya “Besok kita ke took buku Okay…!”
Aku mengacungkan jempol tanda ‘Iya’ dan Kazune pun tersenyum lebar,lalu kembali dengan ponselnya.
Aku pun merebahkan diri di atas tempat tidur dan mencoba membaca buku yang sudah ratusan kali ku baca.Membosankan.
“Mike,Jasson datang untuk bertemu dengan mu…”Teriak ibuku dari dapur.
Aku pun bergegas ke depan rumah untuk menemui Jasson.Ia teman satu club tenisku.Ia datang ke rumah untuk mengembalikan topi yang dipinjamnya minggu lalu.
"Hey guys,Aku kembalikan topiku ini... Thanks..."Ucap Jasson
"No problems..."
Ketika asyik mengobrol dengan Jasson,aku melihat Kazune keluar dari rumahnya dengan jaket tebal.
"Itu Killiania kan...?"Tanya Jasson
Aku mengangguk cuek
"Sepertinya ia akan pergi,temani ia,kau tau berbahaya eorang gadis pergi sendirian di malam hari seperti ini..."Jelas Jasson berlebihan
"Mike... Jasson... sedang apa nih...?"Tanya Kazune menghampiri kami
"Hi... Jasson baru saja mengembalikan topiku..."jelasku "By The way,Kau mau kemana?"
"Supermarket depan... membeli kudapan untuk berjaga karena ayahku pulang sangat larut..."Jelasnya
Aku sempat terdiam sampai rasanya ada yang menginjak kakiku.Saat ku lihat,Jasson dengan ekspresi wajah yang mengingatkanku untuk tidak lupa mengantar Kazune.
"Kalau begitu ku antar..."Ajakku
"Boleh... bagaimana dengan Jasson?"
"Aku pulang saja,ibuku membutuhkanku di rumah... Bye..."Jelas Jasson lalu pergi mengayuh sepeda nya.
Aku pun pergi ke supermarket menemani Kazune.
"Ng... Mike,ada yang ingin aku bicarakan..."

To Be Continued...

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na

Give me drugs 
Give me drugs 
I don't need it 
But I'll sell 
Whatcha got 
Take the cash 
And I'll keep it 
Eight legs on the wall 
Hit the gas 
Kill em' all 
And we crawl and we crawl and we crawl! 
You be my detonator! 

Give me love 
Give me love 
I don't need it 
But I take what I want from your heart 
And I keep it in a bag 
In a box 
Put an 'x' on the floor 
Give me more 
Give me more 
Give me more! 
Shut up and sing it with me! 

From mall security 
To every enemy 
We're on your property 
Standing in a V-formation 

Let's blow an artery 
Eat plastic surgery 
Keep your apology 
Give us more detonation 

Give me more 
Give me more) 

Oh, let me tell you about the sad man 
Shut up and let me see your jazz hands 
Remember when you were a mad man 
Thought you was bat man 
And hit the party with a gas can 
Kiss me you animal! 

You run the company 
Fuck like a Kennedy 
I think we'd rather be 
Burning your information 

Let's blow an artery 
Eat plastic surgery 
Keep your apology 
Give us more detonation 

Right here 
Right now 
All the way in battery city 
Little children 
Raise your open filthy palms 
Like tiny daggers up to heaven 
And all the juvee halls 
And the ritalin rats 
Ask angels made from neon 
And fucking garbage scream out 
"What will save us?" 
And the sky opened up 
Everybody wants to change the world 
Everybody wants to change the world 
But no one 
No one 
Wants to die 
Wanna try? 
Wanna try? 
Wanna try? 
Wanna try? 
Wanna try? 
I'll be your detonator! 


Make no apology 
It's death or victory 
On my authority 
Crash and burn 
Young and loaded 

Drop like a bullet shell 
Dress like a sleeper cell 
I'd rather go to hell 
Than be in purgatory 
Cut my hair 
Gag and bore me 
Pull this pin 
Let this world explode!

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

My Chemical Romance - The Only Hope For Me Is You

Remember me [6x]

Where will we stand?
When all the lights go out
Across these city streets
Where were you when
All of the embers fell
I still remember there
Covered in ash
Covered in glass
Covered in all my friends
I still
Think of the bombs they built

If that’s the best that I could be?
Than I’d be another memory
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you’re the only hope for me
And if we can find where we belong,
We’ll have to make it on our own.
Face all the burn and take it out
Because the only hope for me is you

How would you be
Many as after the disaster that we’ve seen
What we have learned
Of all the people burning
In purifying flame

I say it’s okay
I know you can tell
And though you can see me smile
I still
Think of the guns they sell

If that’s the best that I could be?
Than I’d be another memory
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you’re the only hope for me
And if we can find where we belong,
We’ll have to make it on our own.
Face all the burn and take it out
Because the only hope for me is you

The only hope for me
The only hope for me is you
The only hope
For me is you
The only hope
For me is you
The only hope
For me is you
The only hope

If that’s the best that I could be?
Than I’d be another memory
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you’re the only hope for me
And if we can find where we belong,
We’ll have to make it on our own.
Face all the burn and take it out
Because the only hope for me is you

The only hope for me is you [9x]

Remember me [4x]

My Chemical Romance - Teenagers

they're gonna clean up your looks
with all the lies in the books
to make a citizen out of you
because they sleep with a gun
and keep an eye on you, son
so they can watch all the things you do

because the drugs never work
they're gonna give you a smirk
'cause they got methods
to keep you clean
they're gonna rip up your heads
your aspirations to shreads
another cog in the murder machine

they said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me

the boys and girls in the clique
the awful names that they stick 
yer never gonna fit in much, kid
but if you're troubled and hurt
what you got under your shirt
will make them pay for the things that they did

they said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me

oh yeah

they say all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me

All together now,
teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me

teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone'll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they'll leave you alone
but not me 

My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay

Well if you wanted honesty, That's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks,
For photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay.
I'm not okay.
I'm not okay.
You wear me out.

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I told you time and time again you sing the words but still don't know what it means
To be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time
Take a good hard look!

I'm not okay.
I'm not okay.
I'm not okay.
You wear me out.

Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You say you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed

I'm okay.
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)

But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust me.)

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay

My Chemical Romance - To The End

He calls the mansion not a house, but a tomb. 
He's always choking from the stench and the fume.
The wedding party all collapsed in the room.
So send my resignation to the bride and the groom.

Let's go down! 
This elevator only goes up to ten. 
He's not around; he's always looking at men 
Down by the pool. 
He doesn't seem to have many friends as they are. 
Face down and bloated snap shot with the lens.

If you marry me, 
would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?

So say goodbye to the vows you take.
And say goodbye to the life you make.
And say goodbye to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

She keeps a picture of the body she lends.
Got nasty blisters from the money she spends.
She's got a life of her own 
And it shows by the Benz 
she drives at 90 by the Barbies and Kens.

If you ever say never too late. 
I'll forget all the diamonds you ate. 
Lost in coma and covered in cake. 
Increase the medication. 
Share the vows at the wake. 
Kiss the bride. 

If you marry me, 
would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?

So say goodbye to the vows you take.
And say goodbye to the life you make.
And say goodbye to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

So say goodbye to the last parade.
And walk away from the choice you made.
And say goodnight to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.


So say goodbye to the vows you take.
And say goodbye to the life you make.
And say goodbye to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

So say goodbye to the last parade.
And walk away from the choice you made.
And say goodnight to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

So say goodbye to the last parade.
And walk away as the parties fade.
And say goodnight to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.
To the end.